The Meadows Home and Garden Club proudly presented Scholarship Award Certificates to this year's recipients at the May 22nd City Council meeting. Presenting the awards were: Robert "Bob" Dybala, President for the 2017-2018 year; Kay Ewing, Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee, and Shirley Isbell, who joined the committee to evaluate the applications. Also helping on the committee but not pictured is Margaret Sandlin. Thanks go to Joe DeBruyn, our President for 2018-2019, who took these photos.
Not pictured here is Scholarship Winner , DeAnna Hernandez, who was unable to attend the Council meeting. Go to the "Scholarships" page on this website to see close-ups of our winners and some brief biographical notes.
The Meadows Home & Garden Club, in conjunction with the City of Meadows Place and the City's Parks and Recreation Department, thanks you for supporting the 2018 Spring Home & Garden Tour. We featured 7 beautiful homes/gardens and 1 garden and the City's new Nature and Discovery Center. Ticket sales amounted to almost $2,000. Donations from residents and area businesses amounted to almost $3,000. These funds will go into the Club's Scholarship Fund, the All-Inclusive Playground, and the Club's General Fund.
Special thanks go to Shirley and Alderman John Isbell, who co-hosted the event, and to the homeowners and many volunteer docents and babysitters. Also we thank the City and Colene Cabezas, Parks and Recreation Director, who opened the Nature and Discovery Center to the Tour and hosted a Spring Fling immediately following the Tour, Check out some highlight photos below. Thanks to Lesley Smith who took the photos. |